Nowadays online florist has become good business. Florist is the persons who take care of selling the flowers and who take care of the whole process of growing a flower and them also do the things of arrangement of flowers in a beautiful manner for decorative things. cheap online florist singapore is conducted through websites. People use online florists for decorating places and gifting. Florist is the word that came from the French word fleuriste and also from the Latin word flos or flower.
Do you want to know the process of becoming online Florists?
- One should have completed your high school education: An online florist should have to complete high school education. In school, they should do a course in Biology to know about plants and of art to know the arrangement of flowers in the bouquet and should have classes of business and economics.
- One should have their unique style: An online florist has a styleof doing bouquets of different shapes and you should use different types of flowers that show your style
- One should have to develop florist skills: The florist should have creativity i.e they should have artistic techniques to create aesthetically floral designs for different occasions and should have innovative ideas for clients. They should have good customer service i.e. they should have interpersonal skills to convey ideas and complete sales. They should have good communication skills to interact with customers and suppliers. They should have good time management to complete the orders at the correct time.
One should have to take a basic training:
To have good knowledge about floristry.They should take some classes. Topics learned during this program will include:
- Floral shop management
- Hand-held boutiques
- Horticulture
- Interior plants
- Wedding design
Advantages of being an Online Florists:
- Florists’ job is not more stressful
- They can make decent money.
- Florists work in a peaceful environment.
- Florists help a person in making their loved ones happy
Disadvantages of being Florists
- Online Florists doesn’t job security
- Online Florists can get too difficult costumers
Advantages of buying from online florists
- It is very convenient to see all floral designs and details of flowers from your computer (or) mobile
- You can get the delivery on the same day and you can get fresh flowers. You can get your order where ever you want without going to a shop.
Disadvantages of buying flowers online
You can’t give the same attention to choosing flowers online as offline. Flowers used in bouquets may not be fresh. Charges of delivery will be high.
Irrespective of where the customers are from, florists can issue online services. Since we cannot feel or touch the products it is untouchable and some customers prefer tangible products.